Archive of CSHPM Notes
Columns in the Canadian Mathematical Society Notes
The complete archive of the CMS Notes is maintained directly on the Canadian Mathematical Society website, but the links below provide details regarding the issues which contain the column. If you are interested in submitting a column, click here for more details.
2014 (Volume 46):- March/April issue, pages 6-7:
Mediæval and Renaissance Algebra
by Tom Archibald - September issue, pages 16-17:
The Kenneth O. May Prize
by Craig Fraser - October/November issue, pages 18-19:
Archives for History of Mathematics
by David Orenstein - December issue, pages 16-17:
Who Hijacked the Philosophy of Mathematics?
by Thomas Drucker
2015 (Volume 47):
- February issue, pages 16-17:
Why Use History in a Mathematics Classroom?
by Glen Van Brummelen - March/April issue, pages 18-19:
Online Collections of Mathematical Objects
by Amy Ackerberg-Hastings - June issue, pages 18-19:
The New History of Ancient Mathematics
by J. L. Berggren - September issue, pages 15-16:
Remarks on the History of CSHPM/SCHPM, History of Mathematics (HOM), and Philosophy of Mathematics (POM)
by Robert Thomas - December issue, pages 14-15:
History of Mathematics and the Forgotten Century
by Glen Van Brummelen
2016 (Volume 48):
- February issue, pages 14-15:
A New Look at General-Education Mathematics Courses
by Amy Shell-Gellasch and John Thoo - March/April issue, pages 18-19:
The Value of 'Dated' Histories of Mathematics
by Amy Ackerberg-Hastings - June issue, pages 18-19:
Mathematics in 'Jazz Age' Toronto
by David Orenstein - September issue, pages 18-19:
How Objects Reveal Mathematical Culture
by Sylvia Nickerson - October/November issue, pages 16-17:
Lessons from Old Textbooks: Introducing Modern Geometry to the Middle East
by Gregg De Young - December issue, pages 18-20:
Exploring Epistemology of Applied Math: Where Mathematicians and Philosophers Meet
by Robert H. C. Moir
2017 (Volume 49):
- February issue, pages 18-19:
Bonaventura Cavalieri and the CSHPM Logo
by Michael Molinsky - March/April issue, pages 14-15:
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Logic
by Thomas Drucker - June issue, pages 18-19:
Bertrand Russell Archives at McMaster University
by David Orenstein - September issue, pages 16-17:
Constructions on a Spherical Blackboard
by Robert Thomas - October/November issue, pages 18-19:
Learning Mesopotamian Mathematics
by Duncan J. Melville - December issue, pages 18-19:
ORESME turns 20: how a reading group in the history of mathematics thrives
by Dan Curtin and Danny Otero
2018 (Volume 50):
- February issue, pages 18-19:
Library Classification in Mathematics
by Craig Fraser - March/April issue, pages 16-17:
Mathematical Structures: behind and beyond
by Jean-Pierre Marquis - June issue, pages 18-19:
Joseph Fourier on convolution and the memory problem
by Roger Godard - September issue, pages 20-21:
Theory Over Practice in Soviet Mathematical Textbooks of the 1950s
by Mariya Boyko - October/November issue, pages 16-17:
Trivia, Tradition, Truth: Playfair's Axiom
by Amy Ackerberg-Hastings - December issue, pages 16-17:
Why Use Primary Sources in a Mathematics Classroom?
by Janet Heine Barnett
2019 (Volume 51):
- February issue, pages 10-11:
The Program Ethnomathematics: Basic Ideas
by Ubiratan D'Ambrosio - March/April issue, pages 12-13: "(Writing About) Takeuti's Well-ordering Proof: A Collaboration Story by Eamon Darnell and Aaron Thomas-Bolduc
- June issue, pages 16-17:
Past, Present, and Anachronism in the Historiography of Mathematics
by Craig Fraser and Andrew Schroter - September issue, pages 14-15:
Canadian Women Who Earned PhDs in Mathematics before 1940
by Judy Green and Jeanne LaDuke - October/November issue, pages 16-18:
Investigating the Structure of Inference in Scientific Practice with 'Effective Logic'
by Robert Moir - December issue, pages 12-13:
On the Path to Community: Experiencing a Summer Math Camp,
by Glen Van Brummelen
2020 (Volume 52):
- February issue:
Soviet Mathematics Education in the Late 1970s: New Concerns
by Mariya Boyko - March/April issue:
The Two Cultures of Mathematics
by Bill Hackborn - June issue:
An Homage to Gauss and His Model of the Earth's Magnetic Field
by John de Boer and Roger Godard - September issue:
Ada Lovelace: New Light on Her Mathematics
by Adrian Rice - October/November issue:
Taking a Cue from Cauchy
by Maritza Branker - December issue:
Ephemeral Mathematics
by Amy Ackerberg-Hastings
2021 (Volume 53):
- February issue:
Mary Boole's Anti-Math-Anxiety Pedagogy and the Use of Narrative, Ephemera, and Mathematical Discovery
by Brittany Carlson - March/April issue:
A Collaborative Research Project in the History of Mathematics: The History of Canonical Transformations in Hamilton-Jacobi Theory
by Craig Fraser and Michiyo Nakane - June issue:
The Ethics of Ancient Mathematics: The Case of Claudius Ptolemy
by Jacqueline Feke - September issue:
Bourbaki, Strucuturalism, and Categories
by Jean-Pierre Marquis - October/November issue:
Hidden Mathematics
by Duncan Melville - December issue:
A Mathematical Centennial: The December 1921 Toronto Meeting of the AAAS
by David Orenstein
2022 (Volume 54):
- February issue:
William Playfair's Statistical Graphs
by David Bellhouse - March/April issue:
Profiles of Early Canadian Mathematicians
by David E. Zitarelli
- June issue:
Arabic arithmetic in context: al-Hawārī’s Essential Commentary
by Jeffrey Oaks
- September issue:
The Original Sources of Some Common Quotations
by Michael Molinsky
- October/November issue:
Why Everyone Loves History of Mathematics... But Philosophy of Mathematics is an Acquired Taste
by Thomas Drucker
- December issue:
Quaternions at Twilight: Remembering Mary Somerville 150 years after her death
by Brigitte Stenhouse
2023 (Volume 55):
- February issue:
Catching the Eye: Using Images to Bring History to Life in the Classroom
by Amy Shell-Gellasch - March/April issue:
The Birth of Modern Cosmology
by Craig Fraser
- June issue:
When Organizational Histories, Anniversaries, and Women in STEM Intersect
by Amy Ackerberg-Hastings
- September issue:
Computing Machines and the Philosophy of Mind
by Jessie Hall
- October/November issue:
Teaching Calculus Through History's Lens
by Bud Boman and Rob Rogers. - December issue:
Geometric Transformations, 1800–1855
by Chris Baltus
2024 (Volume 56):
- February issue:
How I learned to Love the History of Mathematics
by Harvey Grant - March/April issue:
The Histories of Mathematics
by Roger Godard - June issue:
50 Years of CSHPM
by Michael Molinsky - September issue:
Mathematical Constitution and Theory Uniqueness in Physics
by Tessa Ng - October/November issue:
Rigor in Context
by Zoe Ashton - December issue:
The Surprising Role of the Pendulum in Stokes’s Discovery of New Physical Theory and Use of Divergent Series
by Brenda Davison
2025 (Volume 57):
- February Issue:
Why Professor AI Should Not Get Tenure: A Philosophical Perspective
by Thomas Drucker